Mentoring and Counseling

Mentoring is a power free partnership between two individuals who desire mutual growth. One of the individuals usually has greater skills, experience and wisdom. The term “mentoring” is being used more widely now in our society and people are often encouraged to seek out a mentor. Mentor provides knowledge, experience or is simply a good listener. Mentors help the students to perform to the best of their capabilities. Their styles range from that of persistent encourager who helps one to build self-confidence, to that of a stern taskmaster who teaches to appreciate excellence in performance.  Whatever may be their style, they care about the one and what he/she is trying to do. They help someone to learn, sort out a problem or devise a plan.

Mentoring at SJIPR:

SJIPR believes that every student entering its portals is unique, and with periodic guidance and support he/she can be transformed into a successful individual. To practice this every student admitted to the Institute is assigned a Faculty member as a Mentor.

Responsibilities of the Mentor:

  • Mentors help improve a student's self-esteem.
  • Mentors provide their mentees with an experienced friend who is there to help in any number of situations.
  • Mentors help their mentees to cope up with the challenges in the professional course opted for, and improve their academic skills.
  • Mentors help young people set career goals and take steps to realize them.
  • Mentoring guarantees a student that there is someone who cares about them and can guide them in dealing with day-to-day challenges of their profession.

Responsibilities of the Mentee:

  • Mentee should meet their mentor on regular basis.
  • Mentee should respect and follow the instructions / advices given by the mentors.

Parents of students admitted to the First Year are of all courses are invited to the Institute for a Meeting with the Mentors following which they can coordinate with the Mentors of their wards throughout the programme.

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