Standards Club

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the National Standard Body of India established under the BIS Act 2016 for the harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and for matters connected therewith. BIS is known to set standards for consumable products. Standards are the basic product requirements that are to be met and certification is thereby provided by BIS in order to ensure the safety of its use in consumers day to day life. It has been providing traceable and tangible benefits to the national economy in a number of ways – providing safe reliable quality goods; minimizing health hazards to consumers; promoting exports and imports substitute; control over proliferation of varieties etc. through standardization, certification and testing.

St. John Institute of Pharmacy and Research has collaborated with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to conduct activities with an aim to raise the bar of quality standards among the School and Professional Course Students i.e Nurturing ambassadors of Standards and Quality. The Bureau of Indian Standards has devised a ‘Standard’s Club’ at St. John Institute of Pharmacy and Research for the awareness and the vocalisation of the importance of standards in our life.

The Standards Club at SJIPR was inaugurated on 10th June 2022 by Mr. Devansh Deolekar, Scientist D, Bureau of Indian Standards, Mumbai Branch Office I, Government of India in presence of Mr. Aldridge D’Souza, and Mrs. Elvina D’Souza, Management, Aldel Education Trust and Dr. Savita Tauro, Principal, SJIPR. The activities were co-ordinated by the Mentor, Dr. Norma Rebello and Standards Promotion Officer, Mr. Sameer Kumar, Bureau of Indian Standards, Mumbai Branch Office I, Government of India. Total 57 students have enrolled as Members and the events are conducted through  the 6 membered core committee.

Establishment of the Standards Club

Mentor’s Training:

Dr. Norma Rebello, Associate Professor in Pharmaceutics  completed a two day residential programme at YASHADA Campus, Pune on 6th & 7th May 2022 with a workshop and hands on training on “Framing the Standards”.

Exposure visit, 15th July 2022, At Western Regional Office and Laboratory, Bureau of Indian Standards, Mumbai Branch Office I, Government of India.

The exposure visit was organised to the BIS Western Regional Office and Laboratory at Andheri. The staff who made sure the students were exhibited to the distinct functions and roles of BIS were Mr. Devansh, Scientist B and Mr. Sameer Kumar, Standards Promotion Officer. The purpose of the industrial visit was an overview of the chemical, mechanical, electrical and microbiological laboratories and it explained how the BIS caters to the customers, and how the BIS certification ensures the safety and true identity of the product.

Standards Writing Competition

The club organized the Standards writing competition on 12th August 2022 through the sponsorship received by BIS where the students were urged to make newer more up to date modifications to the already set Standards of two essential items, Packaged Drinking Water and Helmet. The activity received an overwhelming response front he SJIPR students. Three teams whose ideas were beyond excellent were awarded by the cash prizes and certificates.

Teachers' Day Message: 5th September 2022

BIS conveyed wishes and addressed the teachers of India through the Core committee of the established Standards Club.



World Standard’s Day Celebration

World Standards ’Day was celebrated by BIS, Mumbai Branch Office on 16th October 2022. The celebrations featured the successful accomplishment of the standards set in India and the glorious march towards the Sustainable goals of the United Nations. Dr. Savita Tauro, Principal and Dr. Norma Rebello, Mentor of the SJIPR Standards Club represented the celebrations on behalf of the Institute.